Get to Know Arboriculture Australia

Who We Are

Arboriculture Australia is the national peak industry body for arboriculture and vegetation management and the largest professional arboriculture network in Australia. 

We are proud to support and represent all tree care professionals and associates, including practicing arborists, consulting arborists, urban foresters, utility vegetation managers, trainees, ground crew, managers, business owners, academics and educators.

We work to improve the industry and promote the benefits of trees and we achieve this by hosting national events, producing core industry documents, liaising and advising on standards and qualifications, developing resources, and delivering updates, education and networking opportunities for our industry.

Arb Aus is a not-for-profit organisation relying on membership and sponsorship support, and the contributions of many remarkable volunteers. We work in partnership with various state and territory industry bodies and other like-minded arboriculture organisations to make our industry safer, smarter and more sustainable.

Download Arb Australia’s Strategic Plan