Kids Program

Make your own program - we have all the resources you need

Wouldn’t it be great if everyone appreciated trees and the need for professional tree care? 

 A future like that starts with engaging and educating today’s kids. 

 Arb Aus has developed a host of resources that promote the benefits of trees, the need for tree care, and the career opportunities our industry has to offer.

These resources are free to download. 

For larger groups we can package resources and post to you; conditions apply. Contact us for more detail.

This is an Arborists Don’t Grow on Trees project.

Download your resources here

Activities/lesson plans:

Scavenger hunt

Scavenger hunt clue sheet

Rope maze

Ground throwline

Beginners slacklining

Sample Risk Mitigation Plan for Kids

Origami Giving Trees

Other resources:

Boy Future Arborist sticker

Girl Future Arborist sticker

Activity book

Junior Tree Carers shield